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Vending Business Tips

Vending Business Tips

Here are some basic tips on maintaining a successful vending business:

Service your vending machines: We have already talked about which type of vending machine is right for you and you have most likely made that decision. Whichever type of equipment you have chosen, it is important that you know how to repair and maintain them. The more that you can do for yourself, the less your costs will be. Getting some training from the supplier or gaining advice from the vending community is ideal as it will help save on repair fees. Regular servicing of your vending machines will extend their longevity and reduce the amount of repairs required.

For example, if you are using vending towers make sure that you lubricate the coin mechanism regularly (using silicone spray or something similar), make sure there is no residue built up on the barrel, ensure the segments are aligned properly and that they are turning smoothly. Simple tips that can reduce the amount of repairs required.

Re-stock regularly: Do this at least every couple of weeks. If your machine looks empty or neglected, it becomes less appealing in the eye of the customer. Topping-up regularly will also help you monitor more closely which products are doing well and therefore optimise the selection by popularity.

Clean regularly: Remember that you are selling food. Consider how you would feel about eating in a restaurant that has dirty windows or a cluttered doorway! Cleanliness engenders trust and increases appeal so a few moments cleaning your machine will increase the sales that it generates.

Choose the right product: Don’t be tempted to always opt for the lowest wholesale-priced products. You may be able to enjoy higher margins on re-sale but if a product isn’t very popular, there is no point in selling it. Branded or well-known products might cost more to purchase but can generate a higher volume of sales. The maths soon add up. Speak to and listen to your customers – you receive some good suggestions or requests. As an example, Tubz Brands received a suggestion about Maoam chews. After some initial trialling, Maoam is now one of Tubz Brands’ best-selling products!

Establish an incentive for your sites: We have touched upon this before – identified need. Why would having a vending machine benefit a venue (or the owner)? A percentage of the takings of course generates an extra revenue for them. Perhaps it will be a service for their customers and staff that they are unable to provide. Or it may be that a charitable donation to a pre-determined charity or the venue’s own nominated charity will be all that it requires.

Have a good relationship with your sites: Without the sites, you have no business so it is always important to maintain a positive relationship with the managers / owners. Be friendly, helpful and offer a quick response if your machine develops a fault. Make sure that you stick to whatever revenue-share you have agreed on with them or that you maintain transparency for the identified charity donations. You might even find that by enjoying this relationship with your sites, they will offer suggestions or referrals for other potential locations for your vending machines!




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