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Snack Box Vending Machines

Snack Box Vending Machines

When starting out in the snack box business most people will buy from fifty to a hundred boxes. These boxes are designed for the specific purpose of selling snacks on the honor system. The boxes will need to be assembled and they will have dividers to help keep the snacks neat and orderly.

When you purchase the boxes, the company you're buying from will also sell price labels. You will want to be sure and get the labels at the same time.

Most companies are started by true entrepreneurs, that in many cases, lack start up capital. Lacking a lot of start up capital is OK because the nature of this business allows you to start small and grow rapidly while paying cash as you grow.

Product You Will Want To Carry

Once you have the boxes you can buy your product from local suppliers to begin with. You will need to have approximately 30 different kinds of snacks in each box. That gives the customer a good variety to choose from.

Most operators will carry about six to eight different flavors of chips. They will carry three to four flavors of big cookies. You will want to carry some microwave popcorn, brownies, and six to eight different flavors of candy bars.

You will need to be careful with the number of candy bars. The reason being is that they will be the most expensive item in your snack box. In other words they are not a good source for profits.

Crackers are a good item with a very good profit margin. Crackers come bagged like chips and there is also the cheese and peanut butter crackers. Another favorite will be the crackers with cheese. Make sure there are plenty of crackers in your box without overdoing it. For a more detailed list of products.

The Nature Of The Business

People always say with the snack box being on the honor system, "Don't people take advantage of you?".

Yes, some people do and you will not be able to hold onto every account that you pick up because of that reason. Learn how to control shortage and hold onto almost all of your accounts. The beautiful thing about this business though, is you will have about forty dollars in each box when you place it on location. When you pick it up, usually about seven to ten days later, it is very possible for you to have forty dollars worth of profit.

Your box and the product is paid for and the next trip you make to this customer you're into the profit (less your time to restock it and place it again).

This business is truly made for the person who is wanting to leave the nine to five world, and is willing to attack the snack box business with a burning desire to get ahead in life.

Let's Weigh Some Of The Advantages Of This Business

* Forty dollars to place one new account

* You can start deliveries in a car or van * Return on investment can be in as little as one delivery

* No need to borrow money, you can pay as you build your company

* Customers are easy to please

* Boxes are easy to place * Accounts are easy to service

* Above average income * The boxes are not physically demanding

This is a tremendous way to get started in the vending business. My friend, don't let another day go by without taking charge of your life. Take the bull by the horn and get started on making your own way in life. The snack box business is the way so many of us got our start in the vending business, now it's your turn.

I would like to introduce you to Ken Evoy. I have never met Ken in person but his program has made such a positive change in my life I feel I must pass his program along to you. Click on the graphic below to learn more.

Visit our store for one of the best Honor Snack Boxes on the market.




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